Sunday, March 14, 2010


I made it to remind Thai people because it seems we are forgetting something about what we are. We all live in the same country and have the same king. I wonder what you are protesting for. Democracy? Open your eyes people, the thing you are looking for has never disappeared, but it has always remained here in your hands. Again, open your eyes.

Our king once said that no one is going to be the winner in this conflict. On the other hand, we all are going to be the loser, and you know the biggest loser is our nation. I think, it's true obviously.

I want you to answer these questions; Don't you love our nation? Don't you love our king? Don't you love your family? Don't you love your lover? Don't you love your friends? Don't you love our descendants? Don't you love your own self?

If your answers are YES, please PEACE.